
Computer Science Projects

See my GitHub for all projects!

WiFi Signal Scanner

Description: Measure the signal strength in RSSI (dBm) of a WiFi signal using this app!

Platforms: Android

Background: The Science Olympiad event WiFi Lab requires competitors to build an antenna which can transmit WiFi signals from a router to a computer. I found it cumbersome having to use a computer to test my antenna from large distances, so I decided to create this Android app which allows me to gather data on my antenna on my phone and quickly export it to a .txt or .csv file for further processing and analysis.


Description: COVID-19 data tracking website and Discord bot.

Background: While chatting on the FBLA Discord server, I was contacted by one of the administrators there, named "Megasteel", who was working on collecting COVID-19 data and compiling it into a spreadsheet. Previously, he had been manually finding data on various sites for every single state, but this was terribly inefficient. His request: make a web scraper that would collect data from various sites and enter it into a spreadsheet. We found another person to help, a person named "gido" from the Cyberpatriot Discord server, and made a group chat where we began discussing the project.
Our initial plan was to scrape the data from sites that we had chosen ourselves, like the New York Times, using Google Sheets functions that were supposedly able to retrieve and parse HTML. However, after hours of struggling, we concluded that this would not work since the page format was very hard to traverse. I had also attempted using a Python script to scrape, since Python has numerous well-known scraping libraries, but ended up giving up on this plan as well. Now, we were back to the drawing board. Our next idea was to find an API that had data on COVID-19. Now that we were looking for API data, however, we decided to look for even more reliable and detailed data. I happened to stumble upon a John Hopkins University API hosted by a GIS software company known as Esri, known for their interactive GIS dashboards made through ArcGIS. This API was reliable, coming from JHU, and was even more detailed, giving us access to county-level data which was updated multiple times a day.
We decided to make a Discord bot (CovidBot19) which users could use to get updates on the pandemic situation.

The Missing Pretzels

Description: Catch all of the pretzels falling from the sky by hovering over them!

Platforms: Web, Android


Swims Away

Description: Swim away from the bear while avoiding all of the objects in the way!

Background: In the Discord Server which I am an active member of, I met someone with the username Fish. With one of the server administrators being named Bear, we all had a running joke that Bear would "eat" Fish whenever she appeared in the chat. One evening in 10th grade, I was bored and decided to turn this into a game. With nothing better to do, I managed to finish the entire game that night, only revising to add a couple extra features and fixes later on.

Error Occurred

Description: Use the Hamming(16,11) Error Correction Code to find the error bits!

Platforms: Web, Android

Background: After watching 3Blue1Brown's videos on error correction, I was absolutely captivated by the magic of the code and thought it would be fun to do more just like these, so of course I coded this website to infinitely generate Hamming(16,11) codes.

CSSA/CSSA Testing Portal (down for maintenance)/CSSA Learn

Description: CSSA aims to promote broader computer science education for participants of all ages!